Please sorry for serbian language.
Ljudi izvinite zbog srpskog sto pisem ja engleski ne znam slabo ne umem pitati, imam problem sa ivmp instaliro sam neki piratski gta iv instalirao ivmp t4 sve sam uradio i kad ocu da se konektujem (naravno preko administratora) pojavi mi se mala consola kao ono cmd i u sekundi nestane sta bi to moglo biti molim vas pomozite mi hocu da igram ivmp . (ako je srpski problem sto sam pisao samo mi pomognite pa izbrisite objavu
IV:MP Pls help
Re: IV:MP Pls help
Sounds like the launcher is unable to locate your game. Can you PM me screenshots of your EFLC.exe folder among copies of Client.log and Launcher.log (if these were created). Thanks.
Re: IV:MP Pls help
Ako imas skajp ili nesto za komuniciranje nmg ti ovako to objasniti brt
Re: IV:MP Pls help
Ili jos bolje ako imas link od gta eflc jer ja imam gta iv ali complete nzm mozda je do toga
Re: IV:MP Pls help
My problem its ''The downloadable content for this autoload is not available'' how to fix but i press enter and black screen and exiting game ..
Re: IV:MP Pls help
Sorry Kuka but we just don't support piracy here. You will need to solve that issue by your own.
Best of luck.
Best of luck.
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