- This release is included in the 11.2 server dist
- Function parameters
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addCommand(cmdName, cmdFunction, cmdParams) String cmdName: ex: "/hello" Function cmdFunction: declared name or definition String cmdParams: i (Int), f (Float), s (anything, returns String) or nil if not required
- Examples:
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function testFunc(playerid, params) if(params == nil) then print("Usage: /test [int] [float]") do return end end print("First param + lastParam = " .. params[1] + params[2]) end addCommand("/test", testFunc, "if")
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addCommand("/test2", function(playerid) print("Not expecting any params") end , nil)
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addCommand("/test3", function(playerid, params) --Params will be passed BUT the handler won't parse them. Note the nil usage print("Param count: " .. #params) end , nil)