Bugs and suggestions

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Posts: 16
Joined: June 15th, 2018, 1:49 am

Bugs and suggestions

Post by rww » April 16th, 2019, 8:49 am

IV-MP list of bugs and suggestions:

* Someones got problem with "connect" button (now I know only one case, he have GTA ELFC and Windows 8.1 x64).
* Health/Armour issuse: http://forum.iv-mp.eu/viewtopic.php?f=1 ... 8647bd0eea
* Some functions can't work in onPlayerCredential: http://forum.iv-mp.eu/viewtopic.php?f=1 ... 8647bd0eea
* In dialogues, scrolling works weird (try /vehlist on IV-DM server with arrows etc...).
* setVehicleEngineHp(VehID,-2000,false) not synced. And shot by RPG etc... only driver see vehicle explosion.
* Sometimes I got crash, when left the server by /q or lost connect.

* reloadScripts() with auto-reconnect or auto-reconnect after lost connect.
* Player non streamed blips (more than 200m distance).
* When I kick someone from the server, he can't read reason (chat and gui is disabled in non connected game).
* Sync melee weapons and grenates/molotov.
* Disable giving armour/health by special vehicles. (or function for enable/disable it).

* Open the rest interior doors - http://forum.iv-mp.eu/viewtopic.php?f=1 ... 5c4388dc5b
* getPlayerFPS(playerID).
* Score or something like this in player list and function for getting/setting value.
* Sync vehicle headlights and function for getting and setting headlights status.
* getVehicleModel(vehicleID) - Returns Model ID from Server Vehicle ID
* get/setServerName(string) function (to overwrite from configuration).
* Setting and getting taxi light.
* More frequent ping update in tab list.
* getDistrictName(float posX, float posY, int type) (Type: returns district or street)
* Separate crash and lost connect reasons id in onPlayerLeft.
* getPlayerFrozen(PlayerID).
* getPlayerSkin(PlayerID).

* Add setPlayerName(playerID, name). - Added in build 13.
* Add getVehicleHood(vehicleID) and getVehicleTrunk(vehicleID) functions. - Fixed in build 13.
* Add setPlayerHeading(playerID) - same like getPlayerHeading(playerID), but for setting. - Added in build 13.2
* Add getPlayerSerials(playerID) or something like that (for better ban system). - Added in build 13.2
* Add for onPlayerHealth/ArmorChange bodypart, or add onPlayerDamage - It's need for headshot's. - Added in build 13.2
* Keybind or function for hiding player nametags. - Added in build 13.2

* function createVehicle always set 0.0 rotation - Fixed in build 13
* Sometimes after reconnect, player is frozen. - Fixed in build 13.2

* Remove "World 1 hours changed to 21" & "Player [LCK]rww leaving vehicle" messages from logs. - Removed in build 13.

If someone thinks that something should be added, post your bugs/suggestion below. I think that this list will be useful.
Last edited by rww on September 3rd, 2019, 9:13 am, edited 23 times in total.

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Re: Bugs and suggestions

Post by Lucas » April 16th, 2019, 12:59 pm

Bug(?): Ping with slow update on TAB key.
Suggestion: getDistrictName(float posX, float posY, int type)

Screenshot button

Posts: 16
Joined: June 15th, 2018, 1:49 am

Re: Bugs and suggestions

Post by rww » April 20th, 2019, 4:44 pm

* Disable giving armour/health by special vehicles. (or function for enable/disable it).
* Sometimes I got crash, when left the server by /q or lost connect.
https://www32.zippyshare.com/v/ebMZXk3U/file.html <- I was on PCJ-600.

* setVehicleEngineHp(VehID,-2000,false) not synced. And shot by RPG etc... only driver see vehicle explosion.

* Add for onPlayerHealth/ArmorChange bodypart, or add onPlayerDamage - It's need for headshot's.

* getPlayerFrozen(PlayerID).

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