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Connection Issues

Posted: June 16th, 2018, 6:57 am
by Harzy

First, thank you for the hard work and the effort you guys put in developing this client and trying to make IV:MP live longer.
There is a problem that I wanted to report.. I previously posted about the same topic on ArgonathRPG's forum, and the problem is that the connection to your forum ( is not always working, sometimes I can reach the website and sometimes not. The same thing applies to (ivmpGameLauncher) as I can't view the online servers.

I tried so many solutions but the only thing that made me able to reach the website was using VPN, so I think that the connection is getting blocked randomly from time to time..?

Thank you in advance!

Re: Connection Issues

Posted: June 18th, 2018, 8:05 pm
by WuskieFTW
Do you lose connection with the game server too?

Re: Connection Issues

Posted: June 20th, 2018, 10:15 am
by Harzy
I can't obtain connection to the game server, as it doesn't show up in (ivmpGameLauncher).
But as I told you, sometimes I can reach both the website and the game server, and I don't remember that I got randomly disconnected from the game server while playing :?