An update on IV:MP T4

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An update on IV:MP T4

Post by Vittorio » May 3rd, 2021, 8:10 pm

(This message will have an informal tone, as I deemed it best for now.)
Last June (almost an entire year ago), the previous owner of the client had announced to cease everything in August 2021.
The domain and everything is being updated beyond that point, I guarantee that.

Things have changed in the meantime. I am the owner of the client (and have been for a few months), and I had gathered a some people to tidy things up in an orderly fashion. There is currently no estimate on a future update.

There is no permanent team decided yet, either.

I do have some good news:
  1. The website is getting redesigned. I hope that will excite some of you.
  2. The masterlist has been moved from an OVH server to a Paperspace one. Now, Iranian IV:MP T4 players can connect to the game servers without a VPN.
  3. The team will engage with every single registered member of this server to hear your feedback. I am hoping your inboxes will receive the team’s future emails kindly.
  4. Last, but not least, a temporary fix to play IV:MP T4 with the Complete Edition was made. Make sure to check out this video explanation on how to use it.
I wish everyone a nice month.
Hopefully, I will come with better news next time!

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