Open clothes shops and fight club

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Open clothes shops and fight club

Post by rww » March 25th, 2019, 10:18 am

This script open the clothes shops, fight club and bugged Bulgarin doors ;)
function setKnownDoorStatus don't works for this doors :/

Code: Select all

-- IV doors:
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0x1686e847, 892.0, -444.0, 16.0, true) -- Russian clothes shop
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0xe041fb8a, 892.0, -441.0, 16.0, true) -- Russian clothes shop
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0x380b821, 24.0, 810.0, 15.0, true) -- Perseus clothes shop
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0x192e637c, 21.0, 810.0, 15.0, true) -- Perseus clothes shop
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0x380b821, 12.0, -659.0, 15.0, true) -- Perseus clothes shop
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0x192e637c, 9.0, -659.0, 15.0, true) -- Perseus clothes shop
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0xf6754b91, -281.0, 1355.0, 26.0, true) -- Modo clothes shop
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0xf6754b91, -275.0, 1360.0, 26.0, true) -- Modo clothes shop
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0xa96f0f0f, -1001.0, 1223.0, 29.0, true) -- Gracie kidnapping

-- EFLC doors:
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0xa96f0f0f, -1954.0, -61.0, 7.0, true) -- Brian's Safehouse
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0x571ae7dd, -149.0, -255.0, 36.0, true) -- Bulgarin ambush rooftop door
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0xf125743e, -395.0, 1483.5, 10.9, true) -- Fightclub main door
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0x7F98CD26, -390.2, 1487.7, 10.8, true) -- Fightclub gate left
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0x7F98CD26, -387.503, 1486.445, 10.847, true) -- Fightclub gate right
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0xA28B9E84, -378.4423, 1493.454, 10.87924, true) -- Fightclub door to npc spawn
	setDoorStatus(PlayerID, 0xa96f0f0f, -75.0, -222.0, 15.0, true)  -- Tony's apartment door - just a door for cutscenes

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