Error 0xc000007b.
Error 0xc000007b.
When I try to launch ClientLauncher or ivmpGameLauncher it displays an error saying it can't run the application properly due to error 0xc000007b. Patch was applied, singleplayer works.
Re: Error 0xc000007b.
Reinstall your C++ 2017 redistributable for x86. Official Link
- Posts: 4
- Joined: July 10th, 2018, 10:09 pm
Re: Error 0xc000007b.
i installed the ivmp and worked on my computer 32bit but when i try to installing the ivmp on my bro's laptop 64 bit that message appears 0XC000007b although he has the same game with same patch with same c++2017 that i have on my computer but his laptop is 64 bit my compuer 32bit please help
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