Enabled animations looping,
Fixed some EFLC game doors being always closed,
Made significant changes to the Servers list fixing game many detection issues and some problems where clicking on the Connect button didn't give any response.
Fix getPlayerHealth typos,
Added setVehicleHood and setVehicleTrunk (bool to open/close),
Added getPlayerHeading,
Fixed invalid function parameters requirements for isPlayerInAnyVehicle,
Added the LC Bank doors to the known doors list,
Added setWorldMinuteDuration(worldId, ms seconds or 0 to freeze time)
createBlip can now accept a blip name param
Code: Select all
Float posX, Float posY, Float posZ, Int blipSprite, Int rgba, Int virtualWorld, Int streamDistace, Bool showToAll, String Name
Added forceSitNow(playerid) -Searches the nearest object to sit on
setSitIdleAnim(playerid, animGroup, animAnim, int unkownFlag (0 or 1))
Added playSound
Code: Select all
playSound(playerid, soundName, uniqueId or -1)
playSound(playerid, soundName, uniqueId or -1, x, y, z)
--Use -1 when the sound doesn't loop
local x, y, z = getPlayerPos(playerid)
playSound(playerid, "GENERAL_WEAPONS_ROCKET_LOOP", 5, x, y, z)
EFLC client